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Category: Uncategorized
Tips for the Practice Parent: A reminder if you feel like a bad parent for ‘forcing’ your child to practice….
This is something I hear a lot from parents who are struggling with practice! But practice woes CAN be overcome. And a friendly reminder that you are a WONDERFUL parent!
Tips for the Practice Parent: To Reward or Not Reward?
This is a sensitive topic! Do you use rewards in practice? Here’s my personal take on rewards – but you should do what feels right for you! Let me know …
Tips for the Practice Parent: What to say to your child AFTER a concert/exam
Concert/exam day after-care! How do we ensure that our children receive the right messages after a performance, so that they can learn from it and be ready to get back …
Tips for the Practice Parent: What to Say to Your Child on Concert/Exam Day
What should our children be thinking about on concert day and how can we best support this? Here’s my take on this sensitive time!
Tips for the Practice Parent: Why is Learning a Musical Instrument So Hard?
Let’s talk about why learning a musical instrument is so difficult…
Tips for the Practice Parent: Why Should we Practice Daily?
Aside from building the habit, why should we practice every day? What are the benefits? Let’s talk about this today!
Tips for the Practice Parent: 3 Signs Your Child Needs Up-Regulating During Practice
Unsure of whether your child needs some adrenaline to get their bodies back into a calmer place, so that their minds can focus better? Here are a few signs to …
Tips for The Practice Parent: Why Group Lessons are Important
Ever wondered why you should attend both your individual (or skill class) lessons, AS WELL as group lessons? Here’s a little explanation as I see it!
Tips for The Practice Parent: 3 Ways to Advocate for Your Child During their Lesson
Sometimes our children need our help to communicate to their teacher during lessons! Here are a few ways you can do this…